SA Branding Style Guide

Location Naming Conventions

All SA spaces should be referred to by their official name as outlined in this guide, followed by their building letter and room number in brackets, e.g. Observatory (A170).

If the space doesn’t have a room number, simply use the building letter, e.g. Student Commons (E Building).

If the space is ambiguous or is being advertised on a different campus, add the campus, e.g. Wellness and Equity Centre (B102), Ottawa Campus.

NB: Ampersands are being phased out, so “Clubs & Communities Office (E209)” is now always “Clubs and Communities Office (E209)”

Abbreviated Names

If there’s a chance your reader won’t recognize an abbreviation or acronym, spell it out the first time you mention it and specify the abbreviation in parentheses. Then use the short version for all other references.

First use: Jack Doyle Athletics and Recreation Centre (ARC)
Second use: ARC

List of Abbreviated Location Names

Casual Names and Notable Spaces

The Dome

The Dome is the inflatable cover installed over the sports field from November to May. However, since the dome missing for half the year, always refer to this space as the Sports Field (Z Building) to avoid confusion.


Frontline is the internal name for the SA Office (E114) and should never be used in communication to students or the public.

Main Commons

E Building goes by a number of different names depending on who is speaking. Please use Student Commons (E Building) instead of Main Commons when communicating to students.

When communicating to the general public or a non-student audience, use Robert C. Gillett Student Commons (E Building) for better wayfinding.

The space outside of the Student Commons should be publicly referred to as Student Commons Lawn (E Building). Internally, we sometimes call it the Outdoor Event Plaza, but this doesn’t provide enough wayfinding detail for students.

Wolves Den

The Wolves Den includes both the Restaurant and the Games Room. When referring to both, use Wolves Den Restaurant and Games Room (X130). Otherwise, use either Wolves Den (X130), Wolves Den Restaurant (X130), or Wolves Den Games Room (X130).

Offical SA Space Names

Never capitalize “the” if it precedes the space name, unless it starts a sentence.

YES: Come to the Observatory.
NO: Come to The Observatory.




This work, "SA Branding Style Guide", is a derivative of "Mailchimp Content Style Guide" by Mailchimp, used under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Last modified: July 28, 2023 09:56am